Tuesday, 19.01.2010
The day started in a circle. The color of today was magenta. After learning a mantra from Baba D the group was divided because Andrea was there for making music. First she took all the young children with her to sing songs and play with instruments. In this time the bigger children learnt the year from Baba D and why there should be 13 months instead of 12. They also learnt something over the universe. After that they got the flower of life and should color it like they feel how to color this flower. The younger children came back and we had a snack break. Then the older children went with Andrea. In this time the younger children started to make their music folders. There was also free play. After lunch some children started to play games or finish their music folders. There was free play as well.
Wednesday, 20.01.2010
On Wednesday we’ve nearly been alone. We’ve only been four children and Dariya. So we had enough time to prepare everything for the Juggling Convention on Thursday. The children played alone or helped us with decorating the hula hops. As they were ready the kids showed us how they can do hula hop and juggling. We ended they day at 1 pm.
Thursday, 21.01.2010
Today we had our first excursion to the Juggling Convention in Aswem/Mandrem. At 10 am we left altogether and arrived there 30 or 40 minutes later because nobody exactly knew were it is ;) But everything went right. Als wir endlich da waren, haben wir unser Lager mit 18 Kindern und 10 Erwachsenen aufgeschlagen. Die Kinder holten gleich alle Jonglier-Utensilien heraus und begannen wie wild drauf los zu spielen. In fünf verschiedenen Areas wurden den ganzen Tag über verschiedene Workshops angeboten, wie z.B. Kung Fu, Hula Hup, African Dance, Jonglieren, Hochseilakrobatik und vieles mehr. An allen Workshops konnte man umsonst teilnehmen. Das war echt ganz cool, aber der Platz war nicht so dolle. Irgendwo in einem trockenen Flussbett, wo überall Scherben im Boden lagen. Auch war es total staubig dort.
Friday, 22.01.2010
On Friday Alison was there to do some yoga with the children. We went with our yoga mats under the tree in the middle of the garden. After an hour we had a snack break. After that we played a remembering game with the kids. Angelica and Maria put different things under a blanket. Someone then pick one or more things and the other had to guess what is missing. In addition we played bottle turning with animal voices. Later there was also free play, were the boys played football. Other children painted some pictures or played in the tree house. At the end we read some books for them.
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