Mittwoch, 20. Januar 2010


Thursday, 7.1.2010

“Endlich” war es soweit und es ging nach Mumbai. Das hieß natürlich auch früh aufstehen, sehr früh aufstehen. Um genau zu sein um 4 Uhr in der Früh! Flo kam aus Aswem und dann konnte es auch losgehen zum Flughafen. Die Bescheißerei fing gleich schon am Flughafen in Bombay an, wo der Typ uns überhaupt mal um 1000 Rs beschissen hat und dann haben wir auch noch 3 Mal soviel fürs Taxi bezahlt wie auf dem Rückweg! Ja das fing ja schon gut an. Weiter ging es dann, das der Inder im Taxi die deutsche Botschaft nicht gefunden hat, weil ungefähr kein Taxifahrer irgendwas in Bombay kennt. Echt war!! Naja, Im Konsulat ging dann auch alles recht zügig und es konnte losgehen mit der Erkundung Bombays. Unterwegs haben wir dann in zig Guest Houses und Hotels angerufen, aber niemand schien noch ein freies Zimmer für 3 Personen zu haben. Zum Glück hat das mit der Zimmersuche doch noch hingehauen. Wir gleich ins nächste Taxi, ihm gesagt wo es hingeht und auch beschrieben, wo in der Nähe das ist und sogar auf der Karte gezeigt. Aber alles nütze nichts, der Typ ist nur im Kreis gefahren und vor allem wie ein Bekloppter! Er hat nicht wer weiß wie oft angehalten und nach dem Weg gefragt und jedes Mal, wenn wir ihn fragten, ob er denn jetzt weiß wo er hinmuss, sagte er nur, ‚yes, yes’. Nach über einer Stunde sind wir dann doch noch angekommen und konnten unsere kleine aber sehr sauber Kammer beziehen. Im Hotel haben wir uns dann ein Taxi bestellt, dass uns den ganzen weiteren Tag zu einem Festpreis (insgesamt günstiger als die Fahrt vom Flughafen!!) durch Bombay gefahren hat und uns die Sehenswürdigkeiten gezeigt hat. Angefangen hat alles ganz gut, bis auf den Verkehr. Wir sind am Tor zu Indien ausgestiegen und haben uns das mal angeschaut und das Taj Mahal Hotel, welches letztes Jahr überfallen wurde. Vor dem Tor zu Indien, waren wir DIE Attraktion schlecht hin. Jeder wollte uns auf sein Foto mit drauf haben. Irgendwelche Inder haben versucht uns wirklich Riesenluftballons zu verkaufen, die man ja auch schon immer mal haben wollte! Nach diesem guten Anfang, wurde Bombay einfach nur schrecklich. Der nächste Stopp war in einem Fischerdorf, wo schon sehr arme Menschen lebten. Weiter ging es durch die armen Viertel (also es schien auch so, als ob in Bombay 80% der Menschen unter der Armutsgrenze leben) an Moscheen, Tempeln und tausenden Menschen vorbei zu den Dhobis Ghats, die Freiluft-Wäscherei in Indien. Hier wird in Steintrögen die ganze Wäsche aus Indien mit Händen und Füßen gewaschen. Also so was hat man echt noch nicht gesehen. Hier hatten wir dann auch schon alle die Schnauze voll und wollten nur noch was Essen und ins Bett. Hinzu kam dann auch noch, dass es tierisch heiß war, stickig und es überall stank. Und dann erst der Verkehr mit diesem ganzen Gehupe von tausenden Autos, Mopeds, Bussen und LKWs und diese Masse an Menschen. Zurück ging es dann auch noch durch das Prostituierten Viertel in Bombay. Draußen vor der Tür standen die Mädchen dann und hinter nem Vorhang konnte man schon das Bett sehen. Die haben Männer die vorbeikamen festgehalten und versucht sie mit reinzuziehen. Die, die sich „befreien“ konnten wurden beschimpft, bespuckt und getreten. Weiter wurde man angestarrt von den Indern, dass kann man sich nicht vorstellen. Die sind zum Teil neben dem Auto stehen geblieben und haben ins Auto geschaut. Beim Stau kamen dann auch noch die ganzen Bettlerfrauen und Kinder ans Auto...
Irgendwann war es dann endlich dunkel und wir saßen in einer Pizzeria und haben uns erstmal das teuerste Essen reingezogen, was wir in Indien hatten. Aber lecker wars. Danach ging es dann auch schnell zurück zum Hotel und ab ins Bett.

Friday, 8.1.2010
Die Nacht war erst grauenhaft. Wir hatten den Ventilator ausgemacht um nicht krank zu werden, aber das Zimmer war so klein und stickig, das es sofort unaushaltbar wurde mit den drei Leuten darin. Mitten in der Nacht haben wir dann auch gemerkt, dass wir das Fenster öffnen können und den Ventilator auch kleiner stellen konnten. Welch Idee!! Die Nacht war gerettet. Im Hotel gab es dann auch Frühstück und sie haben uns ein Taxi bestellt, das uns zum Flughafen bringen sollte. Ja das war dann auch wieder so eine Sache. Der Typ konnte so viel Englisch wie ich Chinesisch kann und er hat uns zum falschen Flughafen gebracht. Naja, dann sind wir in nen anderes Taxi gestiegen und der hat uns dann zum Domestic Airport gebracht. Zu guter letzt hatte der Flug dann auch noch über 2 Stunden Verspätung.
Oh was waren wir froh, als wir endlich wieder im gelobten Land Goa waren! Nach dieser Reise nimmt man Goa ganz anders war. Wo man vorher dachte, das es laut ist, empfindet man jetzt nicht mehr so. Und auch der Verkehr hier ist nichts im Gegensatz zu dem In Bombay.

8. Woche

Our school garden

Yoga with Alison

So sieht eine Ananaspflanze aus

Tuesday, 12.1.2010

The day started in a circle and the color of the day was blue. Actually, this is the color of the throat. Today Andrea was there in order to make music with the kids. We first started in a big group with singing songs altogether. Then she divided the group into two and took first the young children with her home. They sang some songs and imitate animals. They came back for the snack break. In this time the bigger children learnt something about planets and our solar system. The girls played with dolls. After the snack break Andrea made musical things with the bigger children. They learnt a rhythm song in which they had to coordinate their hands and feet. The younger children did a lot of free play and played with cars. Today we already finished after lunchtime because there were no older children than Dariya’s kids.

Wednesday, 13.1.2010

Wednesday we started with reading a story for everybody. After that we went into the garden and collect all the old pots where nothing grew. Then we mixed the earth with compost and did it back into the pots. There were also planted some new seeds. After the snack break the children started to climb. Others listened to stories.

Thursday, 14.1.2010

The day started in a circle and the color of the day was gold. After three oms, Alison made yoga with the children. Uta went with the younger kids into the garden in order to plant some seeds. This all took a lot of time. After the snack break we started with the Mayan Workshop guided by Baba D. He made the Mayan Passports for the children and they painted them afterwards. Then we went with our lunges into the bamboo house and Baba D and Dariya guided us through the 13 different tones. They also explained the meanings of them. The children learnt the tones of the others as well. After lunch there was free play. Later Matthias came and gave a football lesson. The smaller children climbed. Today it was so hot the pool got water and the children swam and played in the water.

Friday, 15.1.2010

Friday was free because so many children were sick.

7. Woche

Tuesday, 5.1.2010

We started the day with a meditation session. Everybody should lie in a circle, close their eyes en Dariya guided us through a dream journey to the middle of the earth and back. The children enjoyed this very much. After this all the new children painted their draws. Others made pictures. After the snack break we played ‘crocodile, crocodile, which color do you want?’ Some children listened to stories we were reading and after that there was also free play. After lunch the older children started to clean their draws. After that some children went into the garden and made a paths around the seeds.

Wednesday, 6.1.2010

Today we had our potato day. We started first with reading books and a lot of free play. After the snack break we started with making potato stamps. The older helped with making them and the younger ones just used them for painting. We also made finger paintings.

Freitag, 15. Januar 2010

6. Woche

Tuesday, 29.12.2009

On Tuesday we started with the circle. The color of today was green. After this the children played with play do and they also did a lot of free play. After the snack break we went into the garden in order to plant seeds. Every child should choose seeds and plant them on their own so that they also take care of their own plants in the future. The day already ended at 1pm because we did so much in the weekend with the Christmas party and the flea market. In the end we had a circle in the garden and send a prayer to the growth of the seeds.

Wednesday, 30.12.2009

We started the day with planting some tomato seeds and watering all the other plants and seeds. Then we went on with reading different stories in different languages to the kids. After the snack break the kids started with free play. The boys started to play football all the day. At the end of the day we made pictures out of glitter and glue.

Thursday, 31.12.2009

Today we only wanted to lie at the beach and relax all the day. But everything went different. First we had to go to Mapusa to pick up our long, long expected study book. On the way we saw a very big snake crossing the street. The snake was yellow and about 2 meters long!! The only good news today was that we really got our Statistic book. Back in Assagao we only want to go to the travel agency in order to book our flight to Mumbai. Everything was great till we had to pay. My credit card was stopped and nobody knows why. Then I wanted to call my mother and my mobile phone didn’t work anymore. The next option was to go to the ATM to get cash but today the ATM didn’t work. We had luck the people from the travel agency could reserved the flight tickets for us. Three hours later than actually planned we arrived at Aswem beach.
We spent the whole day there and in the evening we went to the Bamboo Huts to have our New Year Dinner there. The food was very good. The rest of the day till 2 o’clock we sat in our beach shack and drank beer and looked at the many, many fireworks along the beach. The firework of one of the shacks took more than 45 minutes and was very good. Such fireworks you only see at festivals or something like that.
The night we spent in a tent on the beach. It was very loud because of the music everywhere and the many fireworks, which went on till 5 am. But it was so nice to wake up and see the sea and go swimming before you have breakfast.

Friday, 1.1.2010

The whole day we spent at the beach and just relaxed. Today it was a very hot day again and so went a lot of times in the sea :P At about 5pm we went home for taking a shower and went then to Anjuna in order to eat something.

5. Woche

Tuesday, 22.12.2009

We started the day in the circle. After that Alison made yoga with the children. Other children already started with making Puschels. With this we went on till the snack break. After that Andrea came to practice our Puff song with all the costumes for the last time before the flea market. Then we had our lunch break. After the lunch the children started with free play and Vincent and Finn painted their draws. Then we went on with making Puschels. The day ended in a circle.

Wednesday, 23.12.2009

On Wednesday we were the first time alone with the children. We started the day in a circle. Nadine, Dieter and some children started with making Christmas cookies. Lisa made with the other children Puschel. This took all the day and we just had a break for the snack. In the end all children tried a cookie and went home.

Thursday, 24.12.2009

Today it is Christmas and there was no school. We went to the Ayurma in order to get our Christmas present  A 90 minute long whole body rejuvenation massage. We expected something else but is was great. After the massage we started with the Christmas food preparation. We made pasta salad and garlic herb butter for the prawns. Later we went with Werner, Manuel and Flo to Chapora in order to buy 6-kilo prawns directly from the fishermen. Our Christmas dinner started at about 7pm. In total we were 11 people and we had a lot to eat and to drink. It was really, really good!

Friday, 25.12.2009

On Friday we had our Christmas party at school. In the morning we started with some preparation work for the flea market. We made labels and also the prices for the things we made the last weeks. At 4 pm the party started. A lot of families came with their children. There were also a lot of people who do not have any children at the school. Everybody brought something to eat or to drink and the children played Puff. Later there was Santa Claus as well and every child got a present from him. The party went on till 7pm.

Sunday, 27.12.2009

On Sunday we started with the preparation at 9.30am. We two made waffles and decorated everything for the market. Normally the market should start at 2 pm, but at 1.30 pm many, many people already came. In total the market was a great success for the school. We got a lot of money for the cookies, waffles, cake, chai, lemonade and many things more. The school shop also got a lot of money for the self-made things. We spent our whole day at the school and we were very busy with selling.

4. Woche

Tuesday, 15.12.2009


Wednesday, 16.12.2009

We began the day in the circle. The color of today was green and it was the self-existing day (Lisa’s Mayan birthday ). After this we played and sing ‘Puff’. We went on with painting, making boxes and making octopuses. After the snack break Uta went in the garden with the small children for some garden work. Then there was some free play. The next thing was that we went on with producing nice things for the flea market. With this spent the time till lunch.

Thursday, 17.12.2009

The color of the day was blue. So we felt blue what means that we are free and have enough space for oneself. Today Andrea was at school to make some music with the kids. We played our name with a wooden block and all the other repeated the name in either piano, mezzo or forte. Then we played and sang ‘Puff’ to show the children how to act the different characters. So after this it was easier for the children to play the different roles. After the snack break Andrea went on with making music. Marsha brought a pumpkin in order to make a very delicious pumpkin soup. Some children helped her, others made music and some children played freely. Today the lunch break was very late. At the end of the day we decorated our own Christmas tree with self-made Christmas balls.

Friday, 18.12.2009

Today we began with the Flower of Life Workshop. In this 3 days Workshop we were guided through 17 Breath Meditation Technique using visualization, mudras (hand positions) and deep feeling of love to reestablish specific energy fields around our physical body. These fields provide a vehicle known as the Merkaba – the body of light. The activated Merkaba (Star Tetrahedron) strengthen ones ability to work with ones energetic field. It opens our Heart Chakra, expands our consciousness, restores memory and brings an automatic field of protection.

Dienstag, 5. Januar 2010

Anmerkung zu den Posts

Hey, hey,

Es hat ja ewig lange gedauert, aber dafuer haben wir jetzt alles aus der letzten Zeit online gestellt. Bei dem Post von 'Wieder eine Woche rum' haben wir noch Fotos angehaengt und die anderen beiden neuen Posts sind 14.12.-27.12. und 31.12.-3.1.

Viel Spass beim anschauen und wir freuen uns immer ueber Kommentare ;)


Hier geht es weiter mit Foto's :)


In der German Bakery mit Kathrin, Manuel und Flo

Nach dem Aufstieg auf den Vagator-Huegel


Baby Shark essen im Alcove

Unser Motorradtour durch Goa's Norden

Vorbei an Reisfeldern

Am Fluss

Bis hin zum Querim Beach ganz im Norden