Also jetzt haben wir einfach mal unsere ganze Woche in ein "paar" Worte gefasst. Ist viel, aber wer weiss, wann wir das nachste Mal wieder Internet haben ;)Ihr musst ja auch nicht alles auf einmal lesen :P Uber Rechtschreibfehler ist bitte hinweg zulesen!!!!!!! =)
Veel plezier...
1st working day 24.11.09
The day began in a circle. Because there where so many new people everybody has to sing his name and all the others repeat it twice. Then there was a talking stick. This means that everybody who holds the stick may talk or sing or dance something to the others. All the other children are then quiet and listen to the other child.
Now the group divides itself into smaller groups and the children play with play-do or paint pictures on their own. After two hours there is a snack break and everybody shares his food, fruits and bread, with each other. For the adults there is also tea available.
The next thing we do is singing ‘Puff the Magic Dragon’ and afterwards the children made Puff out of play-do. Actually, the children were so busy with each other that they nearly played all the time in small groups. So we did not have to do very much than being there and help them if they have questions.
At one o’clock there is lunchtime and we ate Indian food and salad together. Now, all children who are about three years old go home and only the older children stay till four o’clock. After the lunch there is ‘free play’. This indicates that the children can do whatever they want and the adults just sit there and have a look. Due to the fact that the children were so active playing we did not interrupt them. We were only present and if they had questions they could come to us. At four o’clock it was over and the parents caught their children.
Actually ‘Children Here and Now’ is not a school but rather a holistic center. Our main issue here is playing with the kids. On Tuesday there were three children between the ages of 5 till 8 and three children of the age of 3.
2nd Working Day 25.11.09
The day began as well as yesterday with a circle. Everybody got a drop of white light in his left hand. Then we rubbed our hands together and gave the light to the sky. Secondly we gave the light all over our body and then into the earth. Next we dray our hands and made a connection between the earth and the sky. At last we smell the white light.
The next thing we did was singing the ‘Earth, Water, Air, and Fire’ song. The group divided and Zorah and Issa learned the numbers from 1 to 30. The other kids played with playmobil or painted with us. At 11 o’clock there was the snack break. After the break the children went on with building different buildings and cars with playmobil. Issa and Zorah made postcards for the flea market out of glitter sand. Later all kids were making postcards. Then Dariya read the story of ‘Little Buddha’ to the kids. After a while everybody went into the garden in order to play ‘Fire, Water, Lightning’. After 15 minutes nobody has any more power and so Zorah made crowns for all other children in order to be a king, queen, or princess.
3rd Working Day 26.11.09
Today we have been 11 children. First we made a circle and learned all the new names by singing them. Today we had the pink light that we gave to the sky and earth. After this ceremony we had a gardening day and planted seeds into our fruit and vegetable garden. Everybody helped with seeding and watering the plants.
After that, the older children wrote the alphabet in calligraphy on their own and we played with the younger ones. We also draw pictures. Because it was such a hot day yesterday, the younger children played with the Wasserschlauch and swim in the pool. Consequently everybody was so hungry that we had lunch at about 1 o’clock. Today we ate Spaghetti with cheese, pesto, or avocado sauce. Now there was ‘free playing’. After that some kids helped out in the new garden. Others played or draw pictures. Lisa read stories for the youngest children.
At the end of the day we sat together in the circle and Kalen and Tanay said a prayer because it was ‘Peace day’. After that we said an ‘Om’ three times and the children went home.
4th Working Day 27.11.09
Today Maria was there to manage the day. On the way to the holistic center she picked up some flowers. The children had to name the flowers. After that we all made a big picture of the flowers together. The rest of the flowers were for our new school temple.
At 10.45 we had a snack break. The next thing to do was giving the plants and seeds water so that they can grow. As every plant had enough water, we all made a big mosaic of the glitter pictures we made two days before. Then the children played alone.
At the end we sang different songs together and say goodbye with a three-time-‘Om’.
1st Tracking tour 28.11.09
On Saturday morning we went up at 6.30 am because we had our first tracking tour in Goa. We went with the car to the Holy Church in Siolim were the tour started. In total we were about 30 people of different nationalities and ages. Everybody got a stick with which we picked up garbage as well. We first went trough fields and bushes and we had no idea where we have been. Later we walked along lonely streets and trough different villages. After an hour we climbed up a hill were a lonely church was. Here we had a fantastic view over north Goa. After a while we walked further and view other churches and temples around Siolim. Three hours later we had a lunch break under the Morjim Bridge. This was real Indian because we had to eat with our hands and at the beginning it also was spicy. We nearly had a break of 1,5 hours. So we went on to the beach. But, because of ‘Ebbe und Flut’ there was no water and we could not swim. Then we were so tired that we stop a car and the man inside brought us back to our car at the Holy Church. In total this trip took about seven hours! But it was a nice trip and we saw a lot of north Goa and Siolim.
Sunday 29.11.09
Today we could sleep a bit longer because it was Sunday and there was nothing planned. So we just had a longer breakfast and went then to Aswem Beach in the north. We spent our whole day there and just relaxed in the sun. It was such a nice day, 35°C with sand, sea, palms, and cold drinks. Heerlijk!!! Hours later we decided to eat something at the beach. So we went to the beach restaurant and had Chinese food. Lekker, lekker but a bit too much. Um euch nicht noch mehr neidisch zu machen, stellen wir heute mal keine Fotos vom beach online :P At about five o’clock we went back with Dariya and met Nadine’s uncle the first time. Now we are sitting in Dariya’s office in order to write you and sent you some pictures from here. =)
Mapsa market
Just great! I am so jealous :P. Es ist so schön von euch zu lesen. Ich hoffe ihr habt weiterhin ne wunderschöne Zeit.
AntwortenLöschenMiss you.
Knuffel naar Goa
Leuk om te lezen (en zien) wat jullie zoal doen zover weg. Ben blij dat ik af en toe een woordje nederlands ontdek ;-). Ben al benieuwd naar het volgende verhaal...
AntwortenLöschenGroetjes uit Antwerpen. Menno