Tuesday, 1.12.2009
As nearly every day we began in a circle. The color of today was orange. After the aura soma session some children went into the garden for some gardening, others just played something and others helped Lisa with cutting circles for later work. Then there was already the snack break.
Then we made ‘Puschel’ out of wool and the circles. The children liked it very much but it takes always so long before they are finished. So the kids stop and worked on it later. There were also children who climbed in the ‘Klettergerüst’. At 1pm the youngest children left us and we had lunch with all the other kids. After that there was an hour of free play and the children did something on their own. The last thing for today was making advertisements for the flea market on December 27th.
Wednesday, 2.12.2009
The color of today was yellow and it was also the day of the electric sky walker. That is why we began with playing with balloons in the garden. But actually that was not the best idea. The grass is so spitz that all balloons got kaput. So Tanay and Kalen began to make water bombs of the balloons. After 30 minutes we went into the garden in order to work there and plant new seeds.
After the snack break some kids worked further on their ‘Puschels’. Issa wanted to write something so first Lisa and then Nadine did some writing exercises with her. Later Nadine read a story to some kids and at 1pm we sat in a circle and sang ‘Puff the magic dragon’. In the end of the day we said out the three oms and everybody went home.
Thursday, 3.12.2009
Today we had a long day. The theme of this day was flour and bread. First of all the kids learned that there are many different kinds of flour. They were allowed to touch them and smell them. We made three groups and each group made one doom out of the different flours. Due to the fact that the doom is made of gist, we had to wait. So we sat in the circle to have another aura soma session with green light. After that we sang ‘Puff the magic dragon’ so that the kids learn the song for our show in the end of December.
Now the gist was good and we made the doom. Next we had to wait an hour and so we had our snack break. Issa and Zorah write some sentences down. Tanay did some bibliotheca work and the other kids just played something. As the doom was ready everybody got a bit of every doom to make some chocolate bread. Then everything came into the oven and we had to wait. In this break Ramesh and Luuk played animals who were sick and Lisa had to heal them. At 2 pm we had our lunch. After that, the bread was ready and we could eat it.
At the end of the day Issa and Zorah gave us a massage, which was very good indeed.
Friday, 4.12.2009
We sat in circle and talked about numbers, which were written by Maria. Some children cut the numbers and others painted them. Then we glue it on a big paper and every child wrote his name by his age. After that the kids made a picture of their own after their names. The next thing they done were playing taxi with a house building. In the snack break we ate the bread we made yesterday. Now it was already hard and the children prefer to eat fruits like apple and pomegranate.
After the break we went into the garden to water the plants together. The next thing they done were playing with the liane, which hangs in a very tall coconut tree. Furthermore we sang ‘Puff the magic dragon’ and made already plans how the children can act. Maria taught us new songs. After that some kids climbed and others listened to the stories Maria read.
At the end of the day we made the three ‘aums’ and everybody went home.
Dienstag, 8. Dezember 2009
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